Gin Horse
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Gin pole horse loading rock.
A station contractor's cut along Turnagain Arm, mile post 100 (south of Potter

S. Brudie and Co's Rock cut at Mile 100. This is pretty close to where the scale house sits today just south of the Potter Railroad Museum.
Horses. You gotta love horses. They work hard for ya and don't ask for much in return. Just give em some grain and hay. They will lift rocks for you, pull your wagons and even give you a ride.
This Gin pole setup was used on Turnagain Arm over and over again to remove the larger rock after blasting. The rock in turn was used for Armour rock against the high tides and the ice that formed in the winter.
The rock would have to be replaced ever so often as the ice would latch onto it and carry it away. Thereby weakening the road bed.

Henning Anderson, a member of the grading gang of H. Anderson & Co., was seriously injured early Friday morning while working in a deep cut near Potter.
Creek camp, Turnagain Arm District, Anderson was standing near the top of the cut when he was caught by a slide and carried into the loading trap, 90 feet below.
His right leg was fractured between the knee and the hip and he also received internal injuries.
After being treated at the Potter Creek field hospital he was brought by special train to the hospital at Anchorage.)