Corporation Documents
- Track chart 1988, (a gift from a retired Chief
Train Dispatcher)
- General Code of Operating Rules 4/2/00
- General Code of Operating Rules 4/7/10
- 1947 Transportation Rules and General Instructions
- 1947 Transportation Rules and General Instructions
- May 1, 1956 Rules Operating Department
- 1965 Manual of Safety Rules and Regulations for General Guidance and Protection of Railroad Personnel
- Clearance Form A 7/10/51 (a gift from a retired ARR General Yard Master)
- Table showing time and miles on runs 1-200 miles in length 7/51 (from a retired ARR General Yard Master)
- Special Instructions Bulletin No. 161 concerning speed restrictions 11/7/50 (from a retired ARR General Yard Master)
- Circular Letter concerning Requests for Leave 11/16/54 (from a retired ARR General Yard Master)
- Operating Circular concerning Equipment Issued to Train and Enginemen 11/17/54 (from a retired ARR General Yard Master)
- Bulletin No. 5 concerning Communication Via Radio 1/1/55 (from a retired
ARR General Yard Master)
- Bulletin No. 4 concerning Physical Examination of Trainmen and Enginemen (from a retired ARR General Yard Master)
- Enginemen's Seniority Lists - 1/1/51, 11/1/51, 1/1/52, 3/14/52, 5/1/52, 7/1/52,
7/1/53, 1/1/54 (a gift from a retired ARR General Yard Master)
- Operation and Maintenance Manual Colorado Railcar Mfg. Single Level Coach #557
- Operation and Maintenance Manual Colorado Railcar Mfg. Bi-Level Domes #653-654
- Operation and Maintenance Manual Colorado Railcar Mfg. Single Level Dome #555-556
- Shop Switching Instructions 05-30-07
- Shop Switching Instructions No. 2 Revised February 20, 2008
- Workin' on the Railroad, The Alaska Railroad Employee Handbook, 1970
- Anchorage Terminal Yard Timeline Summer 2008
- DP Operated Coal Trains Anchorage-Seward March 8, 2007
- SD70MAC Operator's Manual
Page created 3/9/99 and last updated 11/17/24