Postcards - Contact me if you would like to see one of these images
- Number 3014
- Number 3015
- ARRC poster 1994
- ARRC poster 1996
- ARRC poster 1997
- ARRC poster 1998
- ARRC poster 2002
- ARRC poster 2005
- ARRC poster 2006 (qty. 4)
- ARRC poster 2007 (qty. 4)
- ARRC poster 2008 (qty. 4)
- ARRC poster 2009 (a gift from a the Superintendent
of Transportation)
- ARRC poster 2010 (a gift from Sherman Stebbins)
- ARRC poster 2011 (a gift from Sherman Stebbins)
- ARRC poster 2012
- ARRC poster 2013 (a gift from Randy Thompson)
- ARRC poster 2014
- ARRC poster 2018
- ARRC poster 2019
- ARRC poster 2023
- Denali Park Station hotel
- The Midnight Sun
- 3015, Hurricane Gulch, Denali Depot, passenger cars
- Rotary snow plow at MP 7.1 on the Whittier Branch (qty. 2)
- Last ARR Steam train #557 (a gift from a, retired
ARR General Yard Master) (qty. 3)
- F7 #1510 (a gift from a, retired ARR General Yard
- Denali National Park train station
- MRS-1 number 1605
- A-33 The Loop
- P-702 The Loop with mountains in the background
- The Golden Spike
- Passenger train crossing Riley Creek Trestle
- Nenana Depot
- Passenger train along the Nenana River
- Moose ahead of train at MP 288
- Overhead view of Alaska Central Railway, Seward
1909, with inset
- No. 1510 in bicentennial paint (a gift from
- A set of 12 ARR postcards by Randy Thompson
- R-513 Anchorage Depot in 1950
- Number 3015 through ARR letters cut-out
(a gift from Jon Waide)
- R-601 Streamlined train #1050 (from a retired
ARR Trainmaster)
- AR-118 2-8-0 Steam locomotive 560 (from a retired
ARR Trainmaster)
- Steam locomotive #620 at McKinley Park (from a
retired ARR Trainmaster)
- Aerial view of Seward (from a retired
ARR Trainmaster)
- Modern aerial view of Whittier (from
a retired ARR Trainmaster)
- B-1 Curry Hotel (from a retired ARR Trainmaster)
- R-601 Famous Alaska Railroad Loop (from a retired
ARR Trainmaster)
- Seward depot, pre-1964 earthquake (from
a retired ARR Trainmaster)
- Whittier shuttle (from a retired ARR
- Spencer Glacier
- R-576 Sternwheeler Nenana (from
a retired ARR Trainmaster)
- McKinley Park Hotel
- Number 1512 at McKinley Park
- Passenger train between Anchorage and Fairbanks
vi Denali National Park
- Train crossing Riley Creek
- Seward's tourist Information Cache
- Passenger train on scenic Turnagain Arm
- Traveling through ruggedly scenic Alaska
- McKinley Depot 1978
- Locomotive No. 1
- McKinley Park Hotel (front)
- McKinley Park Hotel (front desk and gift
- Earthquake
destruction in Seward
- Nenana River Canyon
- Seward Docks
- Portrait of the Alaska Railroad
- R-104 McKinley Park Hotel
- Locomotive No. 1 and Fairbanks depot
- R-869 Seward Highway and railroad
- F7 number 1530 at mile post 348
- R-609 Mount McKinley view
- A collection of eight mini postcards
- AR-109 No. 1 at Fairbanks Station
- R-602 First Alaska Railroad train
- Whittier shuttle in Whittier
- Mt. McKinley Park Hotel
- AR-120 Turnagain Arm
- Alco RF1A Number 1072 (qty. 3)
- Curry Hotel (in color!)
- F-103 Streamliner (headed by No. 1000) in Fairbanks
- Hurricane Gulch Bridge
- McKeen car "Cuyamaca"
- 702 Alaska Railroad with mountains in the
- McKinley Park Hotel
- The Loop with mountain in the background
- The Loop
- Alaska Railroad monument (qty. 2)
- Hurricane Gulch and train
- McKinley Park Hotel (aerial)
- McKinley Park Hotel
- McKinley Park Hotel interior
- McKinley Park Hotel dining room
- Aurora Streamliner (qty. 2)
- Wilderness Express (six card set)
- Usibelli Coal Mine (a gift from a UCM VP)
- Tour Alaska
- 869-E Highway and Railroad - Seward to Anchorage
- Bartlett Glacier
- L-79 "The Loop" Between Seward
and Anchorage
- No. 3015, Tour Alaska, McKinley Explorer
- Fairbanks depot (1950s)
- Willow depot now at mile 50 - it is now
the Arts and Crafts Center of the Matanuska & Susitna River Valleys
- 104 McKinley National Park Hotel
- Griffins
- Hurricane Gulch
- Steam locomotive 557 (a gift from a retired Chief
Train Dispatcher)
- Aurora along Turnagain Arm (a gift from a retired
Chief Train Dispatcher)
- Bicentennial locomotive (a gift from a retired
Chief Train Dispatcher)
- Hurricane Gulch Bridge (a gift from a retired
Chief Train Dispatcher)
- Last steamer on the Alaska Railroad (a
gift from a retired Chief Train Dispatcher)
- ARR No. 1 monument (a gift from a retired
Chief Train Dispatcher)
- Mile post 91 (a gift from a retired Chief
Train Dispatcher)
- Moose Gooser 1967 (a gift from a
retired Chief Train Dispatcher)
- Mile post 411 (a gift from a retired
Chief Train Dispatcher)
- Port of Whittier
- Aurora on Hurricane Gulch Bridge
- Mile post 83
- Mile post 348
- AR-116 0-6-0 type steam switchers
- Locomotive on dock at Seward
- AR-102 Diesel-Electric Locomotives
Haul Alaska R.R. Freight (qty. 2)
- Denali National Park
- The Loop (colorized)
- 1st locomotive of the Alaska Railroad
- AR-101 Diesel electric 1010
- AR-117 Diesel electric 1100
- Curry Hotel with locomotive 605
- AR-108 Historic Marker and ARR Boats,
Nenana, Alaska
- AR-104 Mt. McKinley from ARR Near Talkeetna
- Hewitt's Hurricane Bridge
- Palmer, Alaska
- No. 1512 at McKinley Park
- No. 3015 in watercolor
- Alaska terrain via Alaska train
- Alaska Railroad taking a turn
- Around the bend
- Arriving in Denali
- Aurora train
- Back in Anchorage
- Bartlett Glacier
- Engine 4321
- Fireweed mirror
- GoldStar train
- Grandview
- Hurricane Gulch
- Old No. 1
- Pedal powered
- Seward to Anchorage
- "Snowbound" Whittier, AK
- Winter in Whittier
- Alaska Railroad, Seward, Alaska
- A-27 Broad Pass Station
- Historic comic postcards
- O-277 Along the Alaska Railroad
- P-684 Alaska R.R near Anchorage, Alaska
- P-702 Alaska Railroad with Mts. in background (qty. )
- P-544 Nenana River Canyon - Alaska R.R.
- L-36 Along the Alaska Railroad
- P-703 Scenic View from the Alaska Railroad
- AR-124 Summit Lake from ARR
- McKinley Park Hotel aerial
- An interesting view of the Loop District
- Curry suspension bridge
- Hurricane Gulch bridge from river
- Bucking snow
- Anchorage-Seward Highway
- The camp at Mile 64, U.S.R.R., 1916
- Tanana Bridge
- Tanana Bridge (Cann)
- ARR depot at Seward
- Eagle River Bridge
- Turnagain Arm
- Blooming Fireweed
- Turnagain Arm and the Chugach Mountains
- TwentyMile River
- Passing through the Chugach National Forest
- Alaska Railroad train on Riley Creel Trestle, 1933 or 1934
- AR 107 Healy River Coal Mine Served by Alaska RR.
- PP-9 A.R.R. Streamliner "AuRoRa" - Palmer, Alaska
- Alaska Railroad Along Turnagain Arm with Views of the Chugach Mountains
- Alaska RR Depot Palmer, Alaska 1970
- Whittier, Alaska 1940s
- Tunnel No. 2 A.C.Ry.
- Steam locomotive No. 557, The Alaska Railroad, B&W 6
- Hurricane Gulch Bridge Mile 284.2 on the Alaska Railroad, B&W 5
- Last steamer on Alaska Railroad (#557) - Palmer Bound to First Alaska State Fair, B&W 4
- Whittier, Gateway to Prince William Sound (qty. 3)
- F7 #1510
- Whittier Glacier, Alaska Railroad and Alaska Railroad Car Visitors Center. Artist Jill Donovan
- Alaska - Our Last Frontier, Alaska's First Locomotive
- Company "B" 714th Ry. OP. Bat'n, Seasons Greetings
- First Airmail Flight Fairbanks to Juneau (1919)
- Curry Hotel, Alaska Railroad
- 3008 and 3012 at Anchorage Shops
- Fox City Goldstream
- Snow Shed 54A Mile 54 Govt. Ry. Alaska
- 123 Hotel at Mt. McKinley National Park, Alaska
- 126 Spencer Glacier as seen from Alaska Railroad
- Snow Cut Alaska R.R.
- Denali National Park, Alaska - Hurricane Gulch
- Alaska Glacier Express
- Gov. R.R. Yards - Anchorage, Alaska
- Cantwell (Cann)
- 68 "Loop" on the Alaska R.R.
- "The Loop" The Alaska Railroad
- Steamer Yukon and Alaska Railway Train at Nenana, Alaska
- Alaska Ry., Nenana River Canyon
- Now Departing Ordinary
Page created 3/9/99 and last updated 12/23/24