- Painting of 1503 (A gift from an ARR
locomotive engineer)
- Crash photograph (A gift from an ARR locomotive
- Photo of 2402 #1 (A gift from an
ARR locomotive engineer)
- Photo of 2402 #2 (A gift from an
ARR locomotive engineer)
- Drawing of 1718 (A gift from an ARR locomotive
- Submitted drawing for 1985 Alaska Railroad
poster (A gift from an ARR locomotive engineer)
- SD70MAC builder's photo
- Aerial view of the Anchorage shops (A gift from Randy Thompson)
- GP49 builder's
- Business car Denali photo
- Old boxcar photo
- A 20"x30" photo of no. 4016 in Conway, PA (A gift from Carl Luther)
- Painting of a McKinley Route boxcar (a gift from a retired ARR General
Yard Master)
- Painting of 3014 pulling freight (a gift from a retired ARR General Yard
- "Potter at Dusk" showing a train traveling
along the scenic Potter Marsh (a gift from a retired ARR General Yard Master)
- Old photo of Curry Hotel
- Old photo of Matanuska Depot
- Old photo of Seward Depot
- Number 3013 (a gift from a retired ARR General
Yard Master)
- The Loop (a gift from a retired ARR General
Yard Master)
- Aerial view of Curry in 1957 (from
a retired ARR trainmaster)
- E9A No. 2401 at Curry
- German Runaway Train movie lobby cards
- Rotary #3 builder's
photo and specifications card
- Builder's photo of numbers 114 and 303
- Runaway Train promo photos (set 2)
- Freight train at milepost 91 (south of
Rainbow, north of Indian)
- Railroad car photo
- Bicentennial locomotives
at Garner Tunnel
- Locomotive
- Locomotive
- Builder's
photo of F7A #1500
- Rotary #1 with
steam locomotives
- Russell
plow in front of the old Curry Hotel
- Number 1510 in bicentennial paint
- F7 A-B-A
headed by no. 1522
- Number 1500
along Turnagain Arm
- Sketch of Number 3007 crossing a bridge
- First locomotive
- Passenger car #89
- Suntrana (supersize
- Tunnel, U.S. Gov. RR
- ABBA configuration
- Hurricane Gulch bridge
- No. 1000 with military passengers #1
- No. 1000 with military passengers #2
- Jacquie Cote' Suter sketch of No. 3007
- Two framed photos (a gift from a retired train dispatcher)
- Partial photo album from eBay (boat, boat, USNS
James O'Hara, ARR #1, Buckner
building, Hodge Building)
- Rotary near Curry
- Bucking a Snow Slide A.C.R.R. mile 44
- No. 801
- Fairbanks depot
- McKinley Park Hotel (1943)
- Russell plow #4, 1957
- Alaska Northern locomotive
- Arrival of the first two modern coaches for
the A.E.C. Sept. 23, 1916
- Autographed photo of Otton Ohlson 6/17/41
- Trestle no. 19 on A.E.C.
- Tanana Mines Railroad Train
- McKeen car
- Artwork from Cartwright's book Ol' 556 (a gift from Pat Durand)
- Yards of government railway, Anchorage, Sept.
19, 1923
- AP newspaper photo of #3051
- Rotary throwing snow
- No. 559
- No. 901
- Washout at
- Embarking at Port of Whittier April 17, 1955 #1
- Embarking at Port of Whittier April 17, 1955 #2
- Talkeetna Station man, dogsled and Engine #6
- Business car B-1
- Coaches #30 and #31 (Seattle Times)
- One of six all steel bridges in the Healy River Canyon
- Station 2801 Little Rabbit Creek looking north. Turnagain Arm Div.
- Station 2234 near Mile 91 3/4, A.E.C.Ry., A.E.C. G317 P.S. Hunt
- Nenana Depot 1950s
- Steam locomotive #312
- Rainbow Creek, Turnagain Arm, showing wharf and station work
- 60 seat coach #34
- Caribou Creek
- Sleeper #91
- Sleeper #92
- Baggage 48 seat coach #89
- Baggage-Mail Express #60
- GP7-L #1836
- GP7-L #1825
- Loop district with hand written notes for snow shed, tunnel and proposed grade
- Camp 54, A.C.RY.
- 4-6-2 #901
- Water tank at Mile 51, Oct. 8/1919
- Steam locomotive 2-8-0 #561
- Steam locomotive 4-6-2 #902
- Locomotive RF1A #1070
- Railway Express Agency #332 at Moose Pass
- Steam locomotive 2-6-0 #265
- A.E.C. trail built for construction work mile 91 1/2, A.E.C. G316, P.S. Hunt
- Baldwin locomotive #1300
- Curry Hotel
- No 3003 in siding
- No. 3003 in the Anchorage yard
- No. 1078 next to the Anchorage diesel shop
- Steam locomotive 4-6-2 #902 along Turnagain Arm
Page created 3/9/99 and last updated 12/2/21