Who Is This Guy?
I've had this off again on again series of photos featuring the employees of the Alaska Railroad. If you've missed it, they can all be found in this album and are worth a read.
Anyway, while looking for a photo for a little project I stumbled upon this shot of another Alaskan Railroader posing on the nose of GP40-2 3015 staged for the free open house event the next morning. This guy was the Director of the Anchorage Terminal for a couple years then spent another four as Superintendent of Transportation from 2009 to 2013. I barely even recognize him, but then again it has been a long time since this was taken....
Time passes quickly, and this series of photos has made me reflective of a past life that sometimes is hard to remember. It's hard to fathom that a full quarter of my life has passed since this image was captured. Unlike those other captions, I don't have a whole lot to say about this employee so I will leave that to others. All I'll offer is that he was a deeply flawed but extremely passionate person who loved the Alaska Railroad and its tremendous family of railroaders with all his heart and truly gave it his all, for right or wrong....
Anchorage, Alaska
Friday May 4, 2012
Photograph courtesy of the David Blazejewski