Photo courtesy of Jack Klingbeil
F7 1512 and an unknown B unit are sitting on the passenger tracks in front of the Anchorage Depot with a northbound passenger train. The building in the background is the Annex or Building 99. Number 1512 was part of the second order of new F units and was built in 1953 and was the second to last F7A model. 1512 survives today on the Verde Canyon Railroad.
Number 1512 is wearing the DOT scheme that debuted in early 1972 when the passenger fleet was modernized with the ex-Union Pacific coaches, five locomotives wore the DOT scheme in total. Note the escaping steam from the steam lines. There isn't a recorded date, but with how clean the paint is and the scrapes from the hoses on the plow leads me to believe it's winter 1972-73.
- Mike Gerenday