Pictured above is ARR 2-6-0 Mogul #266. Originally built as Isthmian Canal
Commission # 266 (the I.C.C. were the builders of the Panama Canal)
Alco/Cooke builders# 39177 in 1906. Built as 5 foot gauge. Transferred
to the ARR in 1915/16. Converted to standard gauge. Re-assembly
was completed in Anchorage in April 1917. From AEC reports it appears the
266 was used mostly in work train service and occasionaly in mixed train
service during the ARR construction era. Retired in January 1946.
(Whittier, Alaska, 1944-45)
Photo courtesy of Ken Reuben
Historical information courtesy of Don Marenzi
See also John Parys's photo of #266 in Whittier dring WWII.