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MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me
MOW me

Ford Explorer of ARR Police
Rotary #3 Engineering Drawing
Eklutna pit
Loading the ballast train
Work train at MP 246
Spreading ballast
Tamper and ballast regulator
Jordan Spreader
MOW gas cars
Re-railing truck #292
Pulling fines out of pit
Loading rip rap at Bear Valley
Work train at Nenana
Work train at Birchwood
Work train at Spencer Creek Bridge
Plow car spreading ballast
Loading rip rap at Eklutna
Replacing ties
Locomotive crane #108
CM3 Trackmobile
Unloading ties
Ballast Regulator BR-20
Electro-graphic Tamper ET-17
Electro-graphic Tamper ET-18
MOW bus
Small tamper
Weed burner
Rotary #3 clearing snow
The Black Maria
Plow SN-1
Second ballast plow car
Rotary #2 Engineering Drawing
Brush Cutter
Rotary #3 in old paint scheme
Russell Plow
Russell Plow
Locomotive crane #58
Picking up equipment at the Portage wye
Cement truck and locomotive crane of Knik River Bridge

Locomotive crane #55
Locomotive crane #110

Picking up excavator at Indian
Beautiful summer evening at Denali Park
Picking up cars on a misty evening in Healy
Work train at the first tunnel northbound at 51.8
Rotary #1 assisted by two locomotives and two cabooses
Engineering Drawing
Russell plow in front of the old Curry Hotel
Switch maintainers removing snow in -39° F in Fairbanks
Jordan Spreader #1 and caboose #1039 in early 1960's
MOW train at Sunrise on Beluga Point
LC-105 cutting back an embankment
Spreader 7 and 8 travel to Seward remove ice build up and snow
Spreader number 8 derailed just north of Denali Park

Realignment at Fort Richardson
Picking up ties in Portage
Spreader number 5
Rotary at Curry (1948)
Bridges and Buildings company truck
Snowfleet at Montana
Cat 320C Self propelled Excavator
Work train crossing Riley Creek bridge in Denali Park

Garner line change
Delivering new concrete ties
Rotary #4
Purcell security truck
Russell #3 at Curry
BR21 Jet Snow Blower
Tie inserter inserting ties
Early spreader (1920s)
Steam shovel working at Eklutna
Mogul work train
Ohlson's MOW car
Big rock blocking the train
Locomotive crane #37
Locomotive crane #57
Rotary #4

Kershaw Tie Handlers/Cranes
Fairmont Tamper
Fuel tank on a trailer
Racine Anchor Spreader
Nordco Rail Lifter

Bird Flat avalanche

Slaying the ice dragons

Brushcutter at Girdwood

Air dumps at Garner Tunnel

Rotten ice

Ditcher chasing a moose

Winter morning at Portage

Regulator being turned around

Bear near an outfit car

Flood of 1986

Breakup of the big Susitna River

Rock slide at Garner Tunnel

Derailment of jet fuel at Dunbar

Gas car Dome

Grandview avalanche

Crane with shovel

Montana Creek flood (1986)

Moon over Garner Tunnel

Passenger car derailment at Carlo

Looking out of the spreader window

Mistimed the passenger train

Moose on Susitna River and McKinley at MP-233

Punching through a sluff in Indian River canyon

Plowing a drift in Whittier

Plowing snow with the Ballast Regulator

Rotary and Spreader - Main track is between them

Saving a moose that fell through the ties on a bridge

Summit MP 310

Warming clawbars at 30 below

Snowfleet mishap

MOW tender 0034

MOW tender 0039

Former hospital car combine


Former troop sleeper

Former troop kitchen

Wreck Service Kitchen Car #0019
X-646E water car
X-648E water car
X-657E water car
X-1824 bunk car
BLM surveying helicopter
Bridge inspection at Hurricane Gulch
Building Hurricane House Track
Kenny and Dave
Cab ornament
The Rock
Charlie Stoll in Whittier
Curry Hotel
The down tie crew
Dome section house
Finding the rail
Emergency shelter at Grandview
Dunbar derailment
Fire pots
First use of sidebooms
Governor Knowles getting a spiking lesson
Inspecting track
Kenny blowing a switch
Laying panels after a derailment
Large rock between tunnels #2 and #3
Loading dozer on lowboy
Loading M-19
Loading ties
Maintenance of Way employees at breakfast - Healy Hotel
Measuring clearances in Whittier Tunnel
Nitrogen powered Avalauncher  

Operator error

Plowing Talkeetna siding with a "full wing" on the Jordan Spreader
Regulator derailed
Regulator going up Chulitna Hill - McKinley in the background
Removing pocket track in Anchorage
Bob and Ron in outfit car
Rough Seas
Setting new bridge at Kashwitna
LC-109 with 40 foot spreader bar

BC-02 self propelled cribber

BR-20 with snow equipment

BR-21 at Whittier Sawmill track

Caboose 1074

CM-3 at Palmer Branch distributing rail

Setting up the tamper
Spraying weeds 1977
Surveying tracks
Tie gang lunch break
Tunnel #2
Tunnel collapse
Tunnel rehab crew
Washout at the top of the Loop
Kershaw brush mower
Curry rock quarry
Russell plow sold for scrap

MoW tender #0039M

MoW equipment on Bird Point

LC #107

MOW Gondolas

No. 651E

Ballast Regulator

Susitna river work train

Rotary #3

Work train near Healy

MOW equipment in Seattle

Rotary #4

MoW equipment at Hurricane

MoW train at Indian Creek

Kershaw KBP 200 Mini Ballast Regulator

Nordco Spike Puller

Kershaw Tie Crane

Anchor spreader

Nordco tie inserter


Anchor machine

Nordco spike driver

Two work trains passing through Talkeetna

Friendly work train

Rotary 3 interior

MoW car #75

Low Boy #4

Water car #682E

Spreader 7 (1993)

Tool car #0052

Jordan spreader #3 (1952)



Wheel change at Portage

Snowfleet at Broad Pass

MOW at Hurricane

Daylighting Divide Tunnel

Welded rail gang

Cat EX 8 ready to roll through Whittier tunnel back to Portage

Ed Rosek working at Tunnel section

MOW rail gang's equipment to change out rail at the Whittier tunnel

Laying cable at Potter

MOW car #1214C (1979)
Pandrol Jackson tamper
Kershaw ballast regulator

MOW hoppers viewed from the Hurricane Turn

String-lined flat cars

Spreader 7 in Seward

Unusual MOW equipment

Rotary #3 in Anchorage

Rotary #3

B&B’s high car for tunnel work

Continuous Welded Rail's welding plant

Five Geeps on the company work train

Rotary #3 in the Anchorage yard

MOW returning from Nenana canyon

Cat D6N in Talkeetna

Short work train (1959-1962)

Avalanche cleanup

Boxcar with a garage door

Number 95900 used in wrecker service

Home built ballast spreader

Trackmobile Hercules CM-6

MOW equipment at Portage

Ballast Regulator 32

Ballast Regulator 16
Montana Creek bridge

Gas Cars

Company work train

Adding reinforcements to the bridge across Ship Creek

Tender 0034

Company work train near Seward

New track geometry car

Rotary 3

FRA checking gauge on the Alaska Railroa
Brush cutting near Seward

New switch for north end of Cantwell siding

Loading 30,000 pounds of ties in Whittier

Maintenance of Way train at Talkeetna

Cantwell snowfleet

Maintenance of Way Train at Talkeetna #2

Brandt R4 Railcar Mover

Continuous welded rail MOW train

New track geometry car

End of the line for the Russell Plow 3/10/10
MOW hopper at Rudd Spur

Moving rock

Outfit Car 1504E

Outfit Car 1571E

Next stop Colorado

Spreader #6

Ballast regulator spotted on Fort Richardson

Rotary #3

Icicle breaker

LORAM Rail Vac at MP 345.1
Tie Replacement Crew

UP #4269 as part of a MoW train

CP weed burner (1980s)

New bridge at Bird

Concrete pillar work at TwentyMile

See also:


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The information on this page was last updated 2/24/25