- In my opinion, the Alaska Railroad has the prettiest color scheme of any train in the world - at least those I have seen either in real life, pictures or scale models. To any out there who see this but are not familiar with our state flag, Sancho and I took this picture especially for you. During the ten minutes or so I kept Sancho hovering in the air as we waited for this train, a good breeze kept the flag waving, fully unfurled. That is how I hoped to show it to you, fully unfurled, the eight stars on the field of blue all aglimmer . Naturally, the moment the locomotives rolled into the scene the flag curled in such a way as to hide two of those stars. I kept Sancho shooting as the passenger cars passed and managed to get one that at least shows all eight stars. There was no one to pick up at the Wasilla station, so the train just rolled on by and headed off into the Great Interior of Alaska. If you peer through those windows, you will see there are very few passengers. This would be a good time to ride the train in socially distant safe conditions. After the train disappeared, I thought about going across the street to buy a Subway breakfast, but I had already eaten a bowl of Cheerios mixed with banana, blueberries and walnuts and had drank two coffees, so I just headed home. Wasilla, 7/11/20
Photograph courtesy of Bill Hess