WASILLA, ALASKA: WHERE THAT LONESOME WHISTLE BLOWS Finally, it snowed again - not much more than a dusting, but snow none-the-less. If we can get about 100 more such snows between now and May, the snow pack ought to climb back up to where it should be, and our wildfire danger be lessened. Regardless, sometime between now and May, Wasilla could well be covered in ash, just like the last time the Mount Spur volcano erupted in 1993. It was an unpleasant experience, hard on life forms and machines. Air space got closed. If Spur does blow as expected, maybe the winds will carry over the ocean instead of over us. How would that be for whales, other marine mammals, and birds? Yesterday evening’s southbound ARR AuRoRa Winter Train passes under Dog Wash Overpass. The snowfall must have been a little heavier farther up the tracks. |