Pure Alaskana
The late running nightly Alaska Railroad thru freight from Fairbanks to Anchorage (train 130S) has dropped off the 1.25% grade of Wasilla hill and is accelerating through the Palmer Hay Flats just north of Matanuska Junction about to cross Fireweed Road at MP 151.7 just about an hour north of their final terminal. The moderately sized train of 4344 feet and 6731 trailing tons heavy with jet fuel from Flint Hills Resources in North Pole destined for the Anchorage International Airport. The Talkeetna Mountains rise in the background and here in the foreground is a replica of a trappers cache which was used to keep furs and meet inaccessible from wolves, bears, and assorted other four legged wilderness raiders.
Palmer, Alaska
Sunday March 6, 2011
Photo courtesy of Dave Blazejewski