Snaking South
Three SD70MACs are coiling their way south with 70 loads of coal and 3 more MACs on the rear trailing obediently behind at about MP 66. Just about 40 miles out of Anchorage - the crew of this 182S has been enjoying a flat water level route so far. That is all about to end however, and the 25,000+ EMD horses will be needed to muscle this coal in one piece up and over the crest of the Kenai Mountains at Grandview about 15 miles to the south.
Alas, as those of you have read here with captions on other photos, a decade later big export coal trains are but a memory in the Last Frontier....at least we have the photos from those halcyon days.
North of Portage, Alaska
Saturday November 14, 2009
Photo courtesy of Dave Blazejewski