- The Aurora Winter Train rounds the bend on its return trip to Anchorage from Fairbanks. Denali watches over.
- To think, I missed the Super Bowl just so I could take this picture! It was the first time in months a train had been scheduled to arrive in this area south of Montana Creek ahead of sunset. Skies over Denali, usually shrouded in clouds, were clear. So I bagged all thoughts of the Super Bowl and drove north. As it turned out, the train arrived after sunset, so I kept Sancho on the ground and shot with my Canon EOS R5 through a 100-400 zoom lens set at 200 through a chain link barrier.
- I’m not disappointed. I could easily remove the blotches from the chain link in Photoshop, but it goes against my grain as a documentary photographer to do so.
Photograph courtesy of Bill Hess