- It rained yesterday evening. For all his wondrous technology, Sancho was not built to fly in the rain. Rain can ruin his electronic brain. So, as I use bad weather as an excuse to leave Sancho in his bag and shoot with a Canon to ensure I get both aerial and ground level shots, this is exactly what I did.
- The Alaska Railroad southbound Denali Star, headed for Anchorage. A few of those automobiles are likely headed for Anchorage, too. Unless they stop somewhere to shop or eat dinner, blow a tire, hit a moose or suffer some other mishap, Anchorage bound cars ought to reach Alaska’s big city well ahead of the Denali Star.
- Still, if I were headed to Anchorage, was not in a hurry and had transportation waiting for me when I got there, I would prefer to ride the Denali Star. It would be more fun. I could eat dinner, have a cup of coffee, eat a bag of M&M’s and take lots of pictures through the window. 5/25/22
Photograph courtesy of Bill Hess