Ferromex, a contraction of Ferrocarril Mexicano or "Mexican Railroad", is a private rail consortium that operates the largest railroad by mileage in Mexico.

Ferromex began operating on February 19, 1998, following the privatization of most of the government-owned railroads. The Ferromex system operates over more than 8,500 kilometers of track and interconnects five major inland Mexican cities, five cities along the border with the United States, four seaports on the Pacific Ocean and one more on the Gulf of Mexico. Ferromex also operates the Chihuahua al Pacifico "ChePe" railroad.

Ferromex is (as of 1 February 2006) is part of discussions to merge into Ferrosur's parent company Infraestructura y Tranportes Ferroviarios, which also owns the US Short-line railroad, Texas Pacifico Transportation (TXPF). ITF is currently controlled by the mining company Grupo Mexico. This proposal is awaiting approval of the Mexican government.

The proposed merger would make Ferromex the largest railroad in Mexico at 4,900 miles (7,886 km). The two railroads had attempted to merge in 2002 but were denied for antitrust reasons.