Currently there
are several locations on the Alaska Railroad where overpasses
are being built, including a fairly lengthy one in South Anchorage.
The bridge beams were built in the lower 48 at a length of 159'
the longest that could be accommodated by the barge. From what
I understand the beams will still need to be lengthened about
50' once they get here. Although the day was wet and windy I was
able to make it to Whittier and watch as they unloaded one of
the large beams and several of the smaller beams. Once off loaded
the beams were brought to Portage to be picked up by another train.
The first three shots show the beams coming off the barge at Whittier.
Two Geeps are ready to bring
the loads north at Portage. All of the people surrounding the
train are the film crew filming the next season of Railroad Alaska.
If you look closely you can see a Go-Pro mounted above the headlight
of the 3013. |
The beam walks by the closest
clearance on the journey north. It was necessary for MOW to carve
some room off of the rock face in the background. |
About to cross 20 Mile Bridge.
Crossing 20 Mile River.
I was told these bridge beams are the longest loads hauled on
the Alaska Railroad. |
Passing the notorious slide
zone at MP 72. |
A looking down shot at the
beam itself. |