This train is traveling north towards Anchorage having originated from
Whittier with a fresh load of CN barge traffic. Between Portage and S.
Anchorage the ARR right of way and Seward highway run on the same side
of the Turnagain Arm making chasing exceptionally easy. This was shot
from one of many scenic turnouts off the highway. 3/4/11 |
Clear: Photo taken
between Healy and Nenana AK, best estimate is that we're still 75 miles
south of Fairbanks. The train is slowing to drop a cut of loaded coal
cars, this is the only time I saw the exhaust form as a cloud as I believe
the temperature was -10 at the time. 3/1/11 |
Eklutna: With
dull light, a pending coal train and limited photo options, my mind instantly
thought this would be a great opportunity for a pan shot. 3/5/11 |
It's 10:30pm north of Healy AK, and again the temperature is in the minus
when the dull throb of the nightly Fairbanks/Anchorage train pulses through
the air. Within moments the tops of trees light are illuminated by the
passing southbound while a minor Aurora skies overhead. 3/3/11 |
Honolulu: The
first chase of the trip was this southbound loaded coal train which pulled
through Cantwell AK at the same time the sun was peaking over the surrounding
mountaintops at 8:30. Thirty miles and one hour later came this shot
between the siding of Honolulu and Hurricane Gulch. 3/2/11 |
Hurricane: Fifteen
minutes after tagging the train at Honolulu, I slipped down the ARR maintenance
road and picked off this wedgie of the southbound coal load throttling
up at Hurricane. 3/2/11 |
Hurricane Gulch:
The train Gods blessed me on this day. I was duly informed southbound
freight trains were near impossible to photograph on the massive Hurricane
Gulch span owing to nocturnal scheduling of freight movements. It happened
to be my luck the southbound Fairbanks/Anchorage train was delayed by
14 hours thanks to a dispatcher who didn't show up for their midnight
shift, effectively shutting down the railroad and allowing me the opportunity
to catch this night owl in broad daylight. Some lighthearted snowshoeing
was required for this photo as there is no public road access regardless
of season. 3/3/11 |
Hurricane Gulch:
The going away shot of the mid train DPU cut in approx. halfway through
the southbound Fairbanks/Anchorage train. DPUs are a routine part of
ARR operations, used in both general freight and coal train movements. 3/3/11 |
This picturesque depot is also home to the Alaska museum of railroading.
3/1/11 |
Nenana Bridge:
After passing through the town of Nenana the tracks do a peculiar about
face in crossing over the Tanana River. Five minutes earlier this same
train was virtually running along the riverbank, but then the tracks
swing south and begin ascending an inclined horseshoe in order to reach
the photographed span.
3/1/11 |
Portage: Saturday's
weekly charter train, and I finally get some snowfall! The tides of the
Turnagain Arm fluctuate greatly, causing large chunks of ice to break
off and form large protrusions such as this one in the foreground. 3/5/11
Final shot from Friday 3/4 is this pacing shot taken on the last stretch
where highway/rails parallel each other before taking different routes
through greater Anchorage. This is the same Whittier train bringing up
CN carloads floated from Canada for Anchorage and beyond. 3/4/11 |
Riley Creek: Riley
Creek trestle is located with Denali Natl Park boundaries, and this photo
was taken from the shoulder of the primary road leading into the park
beyond the visitor center. This is the same Fairbanks/Anchorage train
running 14 hours late, after this shot I bypassed all other potential
photo opportunities so that I could give myself enough time to snowshoe
out to Hurricane Gulch knowing the Hurricane Gulch shot would be a crown
jewel opportunity I'd be a fool to pass up. 3/3/11 |
Summit: Finding
locations where I could get sun on the fast progressing morning southbound
was pointless, so I had to shoot what I could as the train continued
south through Broad Pass. 3/2/11 |
Summit: This
train's verberations made it known I had to hurry as I checked out of
my lodging in Cantwell AK, this train was the first road movement I came
across on my trip hence my eagerness to give chase. This is the first
shot of the day, right where the Parks Highway crosses over the tracks
at Summit. 3/2/11 |