Proposed Wasilla Route

Until around last spring, Wasilla was very strongly against moving the Parks Highway out of Wasilla.  Then for some reason, they started to change their minds and now seem to favor it.  The relocation of the railroad and the Parks would probably work hand in hand as the two would probably more or less parallel each other.

This map is right now nothing but a dream.  I do not know if any actual surveys have been made and what the status is of the
lands that the different routes cut through.  You cut the two curves on the right side off (MP154), and to the railroad these are a major problem as that stretch of track also involves a short but significant grade.  Therefore, I would guess that for the railroad route D would be the preferred route.  As to what right of way problems would be involved, I have no information at this time.  You can see from the map that the City of Wasilla is also looking at commuter service to Anchorage.
