Photograph courtesy of Jonathan Fischer
While sorting through some slides the other day I came across these images that had been long forgotten. They were part of a roll of slides that included a trip to the Camas Prairie Railroad in Grangeville, Idaho, so it took me a while to reconstruct the circumstances of how I could have such disparate images on the same roll of film.
These pictures were taken in July of 1983 on my third trip to Alaska following my move to Seattle in July of 1986. These were the last pictures taken on that trip, so that’s why they were the first images on a new roll of film. With the topic being primarily in Idaho this roll of film ended up separated from the rest of my ARR collection. That’s why I was so surprised to run across them again. Found pictures from the 90’s.
Back then the railroad really didn’t mind if you took pictures on the property. These were taken during the day, using my tripod and a time exposure. The Budd’s were sitting side by side on adjacent stalls of the engine house.
I remember that my new girlfriend came over to visit after I got back from Alaska. A year later, by this time in 1994, she was Mrs. Fischer, and nine months later she was the Mother of my first child. That’s why my next visit to Alaska was not until 2008.
And all I had asked her to do was to feed the cats.
Fond memories.